Production, logistics, sales or HR: Valuable amounts of data are generated every day in almost every area of your company. The question is: How can you use this information to your advantage? What business cases are conceivable and how can they be implemented technically? These are precisely the questions we answer.
Exceptional experience in custom software development, coupled with superior data expertise: we know how to turn data assets into production-ready digital assets that make a difference to your business.
From brainstorming to maintenance, we support you throughout the entire process, ensuring a balance between cost and benefit.
We are an independent company and will find the best solution for you. The choice of tools and technologies follows the solution to the problem, not the other way around - whether it is an off-the-shelf product or a deeply integrated custom solution.
We combine data science with AI expertise and software development and accompany you throughout the entire data journey: from the initial brainstorming to the successful software go-live.
Data first: Wir entwickeln mit Ihnen aus Ideen datengetriebene Business Cases und bewerten Potenziale und Machbarkeit anhand von Datenanalysen in enger Zusammenarbeit mit Ihren Fachexperten. Innerhalb kurzer Zeit liefern wir hochqualitative Analysen (outside-in view), Lösungsentwürfe oder KI-Prototypen.
Inspect & adapt, fail fast: Aus Exploration wird gehärtete Analyse, aus Rohdaten qualitätsgesicherte Erkenntnisse. Mit tiefem Verständnis für datengetriebene Herausforderungen entstehen reife Prototypen, während falsche Hypothesen entlarvt und verworfen werden.
Das Minimum Viable Product macht Wertschöpfung aus Ihren Daten greifbar - entwickelt auf dem Fundament von über 25 Jahren Erfahrung mit B2B Software Engineering.
Aus MVP wird Product: Komfortfunktionen werden Stück für Stück durch tiefe Integration mit Bestandsystemen und Prozessen erreicht. Am Ende steht ein nahtlos eingefügtes und passgenau auf Ihr Unternehmen zugeschnittenes, datengetriebenes Produkt.
Your organization produces all kinds of data all the time. You ask yourself: What business insights are still hidden? What can I use it for - and how? We provide guidance and show you how to create value from your data: from innovation workshops (data-driven business cases) to data science (insight & feasibility) to your own AI model (automation & optimization).
Data engineering is the engine room of your data-driven digitalization. Only with a scalable and stable data supply can you successfully generate added value from your data in the long term.
We build the excellent software your data deserves, so your data project does not become a castle in the air. This means that data models, mathematical models and AI solutions are put into practice and can be used by you. We provide comprehensive consulting and ensure the optimal integration of custom developments and standard tools into your existing environment.
With ChatGPT and developments in Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI), we can no longer just communicate with machines through technical APIs, but with each other in human language. Companies that can harness the potential of GenAI will gain a long-term competitive advantage. The successful use of GenAI depends to a large extent on the right mix of data expertise and experience in software and application development. This makes iteratec the ideal partner.
The highly qualified team was able to learn the complex technical details impressively quickly and integrate them into the application in a thoughtful way. The solution we have developed together has the potential to revolutionize research into ecological building materials.
Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing
As part of the redevelopment of Deutsche Bahn's sales platform, we are creating a central storage location for all business-relevant sales data. This data lake comprises several petabytes of data from a wide variety of sources. This enables our customer to perform fast, short-term data analyses on almost any sales-relevant topic.
For Stadtwerke München, we are developing an intelligent forecasting model for the occupancy of parking spaces throughout the city. The prediction model, based on machine learning algorithms, takes into account current weather and event data and was integrated by us into the consumer app of the Stadtwerke.
KI-iLOG supports the planning process of intra-logistics at Daimler AG. Specifically, this involves the delivery planning of components required for assembly. We are developing an AI that automatically makes suggestions to logistics planners about the components they need. This reduces the manual workload enormously and minimizes clerical errors.
Do you have a specific request or questions about possible AI and data analytics projects for your company? Send a request and we will get back to you.
Dr. Felix Böhmer, Director Al & Data